Monday, July 24, 2006

20th of July, 1983 -part1

It is obvious that the above date is the most important day in the history of humanity. But what happened that day? Google pictures tell us the story...

At this time, the music history of the planet changed once and for all!!! This photo
<---- is a proof of the best live concert ever!

And still, this was not the only fact. Another famous concert of that
<------------- famous guy took place!!!

sports were also another bright moment of humanity during that day.
<--------- These were famous baseball players during that moment

Everything was working perfectly. Just look the size of the red line, indicating some works that were made!
<---------- amazing, huh?

At that time, everything was just fine.
Even the Ozone Layer!!! this photo proves it!

We`ll be back with the part-2 !!! (-za)

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